New Westshore Distributor and Re-Fill Centre
We are very pleased to announce the opening of our new distributor/re-fill centre in the WestShore on May 9, 2018. Please join us in welcoming Oak Tree Naturals to our Westshore community as well as to our growing distribution network. Oak Tree Naturals is located at 705 Goldstream Avenue (near Maygold Restaurant) and will be re-filling and carrying many of our most popular products. If you are unable to find the product of your choice, we will happily offer a special order service to avoid you having to make your way into our main store on Hillside Avenue. Next time you are in the neighborhood of Goldstream Avenue and Veteran’s Memorial Parkway, be sure to drop by Oak Tree Naturals and say hello. All the best in your new venture Aman, Bryony and family.