Hey!Did you know that we refill JUSU aromatic spritzers at the store. All you have to do is bring a container and we can refill it with these amazing local products. At present we can refill   WELLNESS Spritzer is full of essential oils that will help you stay healthy this winter season. “Our Wellness […]

The Soap Exchange Victoria

Carpet Shampooer Helpful Hints

Carpet shampooers are one of those things that can seem intimidating, but it’s actually quite simple to use!  When you come to pick up the machine, we will always do a walk through with you, and field any questions you may have.  However, it can be a lot of information to retain, so we’ve written […]

disinfecting surfaces

Difference Between Sanitizing, Cleaning & Disinfecting

How to Stay Clean and Safe in Strange Times There’s no doubt about it: this year has gotten off to a weird start. We’ve all experienced nasty viruses that seem to drag on and on and leave us hoping and praying for a quick recovery, but this year’s flu season morphed into something nobody was […]

Product Deliveries Now Available!!

In an effort to assist those of you that are self isolating or that have mobility/transportation issues, we are now offering a delivery/re-fill service. We are happy to offer this service until  our health authorities are convinced we are safe to return to normal social activities. We will not be charging customers for this service however […]

Hand’s a Little Dry these days?

With all the hand washing you are no doubt doing these days, it is more than likely taking it’s toll.  We have many moisturizing options in store to help heal your dry chapped hands.  From Salt Spring Island’s award winning “Dream Cream” to Lantzville’s line of “Simple Luxuries” moisturizers to North Saanich’s “Millstone Farm & Organics” shea butter to our […]