Contact Us
Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday: 9:30 am – 6:00 pm
Wednesday and Thursday: 9.30 am – 7.00pm
Sunday: 11.00 am – 5:00 pm
1393A Hillside Ave
Victoria, BC V8T 2B3
Phone 250-475-0033
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Labour Day Weekend Hours
/by Victoria Soap ExchangeIn recognition of Labour Day, The Soap Exchange will be closed on Monday, September 2nd. We will be open our normal hours over the weekend. Thank you and we hope you have a fun and safe long weekend.
Happy Canada Day
/by Victoria Soap ExchangeIn celebration and recognition of Canada Day 2018, we will be closed Sunday July 1 and will re-open regular hours July 2 (9:30-6:00). Enjoy the festivities and have a great and safe Canada Day long weekend.
New Westshore Distributor and Re-Fill Centre
/by Victoria Soap ExchangeWe are very pleased to announce the opening of our new distributor/re-fill centre in the WestShore on May 9, 2018. Please join us in welcoming Oak Tree Naturals to our Westshore community as well as to our growing distribution network. Oak Tree Naturals is located at 705 Goldstream Avenue (near Maygold Restaurant) and will be […]
New Distributors
/by Victoria Soap ExchangeThe Soap Exchange is very pleased and excited to announce the addition of 2 new distributors to our growing family. Farm Gate Store on Mayne Island and Island Water Store in Mill Bay have joined the growing list (up to 13 now) of Soap Exchange product distributors. Please go to our “Distributors” page for contact […]
Victoria Soap Exchange Celebrates 20 Years!
/by Victoria Soap ExchangeHard to believe, but May 1, 2013 marks the 20th anniversary of The Soap Exchange in Victoria. Thank you to all of our customers for your support over the past 20 years and we look forward to serving you for many more years to come………